10 Natural, Holistic Skin Care Tips You Have to Try

10 Natural, Holistic Skin Care Tips You Have to Try

10 Natural, Holistic Skin Care Tips You Have to Try

When taking care of their skin, many women make the mistake of using too many products with harsh chemicals in them. Instead, try these natural, holistic skin care tips.

Keyword(s): skin care tips



Searching for ways to achieve the most luminous complexion possible?

Trying new products and routines is always a good time, especially for those skincare junkies. But it's time to pay attention to what we're putting on our face and more importantly, in our body. Our diet and sleep habits can actually affect how our skin looks.

If you're looking to move away from the harsh chemicals and toxins present in most products and try a more holistic approach, we've got you covered.

Check out these 10 natural skin care tips you simply must try.


Your skin will look it's best when it's hydrated on the inside and outside. Many times with problematic skin or acne, we tend to want to dry out the issue. This means putting lots of harsh chemicals on our face and hoping for the best.

The reality is that your skin craves moisture and depriving it of hydration will actually have the inverse effect and cause your skin to create even more oil than you had before. You should be applying moisturizer every day to keep your skin soft and supple.

In the morning, finish off your face wash routine with an everyday moisturizer followed by a lightweight SPF. You can apply a heavier moisturizer at night to rehydrate your skin while you sleep.

Be sure to keep an eye out for clean lotions that are paraben free and use only a few ingredients. This will prevent you from further lathering your skin up with the chemicals you're trying to avoid.

Don't stop at moisturizer when it comes to staying hydrated. Many people are drinking significantly less water than they should in a day. Your body wants about 64 ounces of water so be sure to keep a bottle filled and with you throughout the day so you keep your body and skin hydrated.

Cut the Sugar

We all know sugar isn't the best for you but did you know it could be contributing to your skin problems? Sugar causes inflammation in the body as it's being processed. That inflammation then creates the enzymes that are responsible for diminishing collagen and elastin in your skin.

Ever returned from a vacation where you've eaten poorly or woken up the morning after consuming an indulgent dessert and felt swollen and well, not looking your best? You can blame sugar.

Try to stay away from refined or white sugar and steer clear of alcohol. If you have a sweet craving, stick to fruit and other places where you're receiving natural sugar, with no added chemicals and this should keep the inflammation at bay, allowing you to wake up looking refreshed.

Get Your Sleep

Speaking of waking up looking refreshed, how can you possibly achieve that if you aren't getting enough sleep? Sleep is one of the anchors of good all-around health and can affect the appearance of your skin.

Most Americans are surviving on 5-6 hours of sleep per night. That's hardly enough. When you're sleep deprived, you may wake up looking sallow or sunken, with dark circles and bags under your eyes.

You're then forced to go buy products that claim that can combat those problems but the reality is, nothing will work as well as getting a good night's sleep. Try to get 8 hours per night if possible. What's more, do your best to go to bed and wake up at the same time each night and morning.

Our bodies thrive on consistency. So, even if you're not able to get a full night of rest like you may wish for, your skin and body will respond positively to the routine.

Say Goodbye to Caffeine

If you've cut sugar and alcohol out of your diet and are still not satisfied with your skin, caffeine could be playing a role. While caffeine doesn't necessarily cause skin problems or acne, it can be a contributing factor.

Research indicates that bad skin can be exacerbated by stress. Caffeine can easily increase your body's stress response, putting it in a state of proverbial chaos after just a large cup of coffee.

Caffeine activates your stress hormones and can also cause you to lose sleep which we already know is a problem. Try swapping your coffee for decaf or even a black tea, which has less caffeine, and see how your skin responds.

Oil Is Your Friend

The use of face oils and serums have been on the rise the last few years because people have discovered that they're actually beneficial for the skin and no longer something to avoid in your routine.

Oils can work double duty as a cleanser and hydrating serum. And the best part is, they're natural and affordable. Coconut oil is one of the best to test out because it contains antibacterial and cleansing properties but won't dry out the skin.

Coconut oil can also remove makeup, help heal scars and even work on those suffering from dermatitis.

Gut Health

Here's another outside in technique that could be the key to unlocking some of your ongoing skin problems. Our gut acts as the anchor for most of our health. If it's off, chances are, some other parts of you will be too.

Try taking a daily probiotic to regulate your gut health and aid your immune system. You may be wondering what this has to do with our skin; trust us, a lot. If you have an overabundance of harmful bacteria in your gut, it's likely rearing its ugly head on other places in your body, like your skin.

If a pill isn't for you, try a daily probiotic drink or even eating more fermented foods.

Swap Your Zit Cream

So you have a zit and what do you want to do? Slather toxic chemicals and creams onto it to try it out and make it disappear. There's a natural way to tackle a pesky pimple.

Try taking a Q-tip or beauty pad, dipping it in organic apple cider vinegar and gently dabbing it onto the affected area. The vinegar acts as an astringent and gently dries out a pimple without damaging the surrounding cells.

You may notice a little redness around a pimple at first and some slight tingling, but that just means it's working!

Read the Labels

Perhaps nothing is more important than reading the labels while on your quest for holistic remedies to treat your skin. Keeping track of what's bad for you can be overwhelming but there are a few red-flag ingredients you should always try to avoid.

If you can steer clear of parabens, synthetic colors, and fragrances, you're doing better already. Most products with those three items will be chock full of other bad ingredients that you don't want to put on your face. But chances are, if they're already without those top three, the rest of the ingredient list won't be as scary.

Make Your Own Mask

Who needs expensive masks from the beauty supply, especially when you don't even know what's in them? Make your own moisturizing mask at home with ingredients from the market.

Grab an avocado, mix it with organic yogurt and little honey and you have yourself a mask filled with E, D, and A vitamins that will help boost collagen, heal sunburns and minimize age spots.

Less Is More

This is a good rule of thumb to live by when it comes to skincare. Keep it clean and keep it simple. Opt for a cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF during the day then follow it up at night with the same cleanser, a toner, and nighttime moisturizer.

The more products you use, the more likely your skin is to become irritated, inflamed or to break out.

This rule of thumb also works when it comes to selecting your products. The more ingredients, the more chemicals, and toxicity. Try to look for ingredients that are plant based and have names you can actually pronounce.

Try These Skin Care Tips Today!

Beauty and skin care tips are fun to try but choosing products and remedies that are good for you both inside and out is even better.

Remember to keep an eye on ingredients and pay attention to what you're putting in your body and as well as on your face. They both matter!

Book an appointment with us now or read more of our blog for other helpful beauty tips!

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